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  1. Jeannette Kennedy Stephens
    August 12, 2014 @ 9:20 am

    Eva Lois and family: Mom just told me yesterday of your loss. I’m so sorry and so thankful you have your family and kind friends surrounding you during this time. Take care of yourself and hope to see you in future visits.


  2. Vicki Cooper
    August 12, 2014 @ 7:58 pm

    Eva, So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. If there is anything at all you need, please call.


  3. Clifford Hutchins
    August 13, 2014 @ 9:58 am

    Eva Lois and family: I learned of Leon’s death yesterday, Rosetta Harber called to tell me.
    Leon and I were classmates at West Plains and he was a good friend.
    His parents attended the Center Grove Baptist Church where I attended when I lived in Moody. May the Lord bless you and give you comfort and peace during this time in your lives.


  4. Rayetta Faulkner
    August 18, 2014 @ 3:06 pm

    Eva and family , I just got on the Internet to the Robertson- Drago notices and read the Obituaries. Didn’t know that Leon had gone on …You told me at the election that he was in the Hospital…So sorry , please call me if you need to talk sometime. and maybe we can get together one of these days… I am on the Facebook but not on emails very much…
    Love and Prayers


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