Mark Lee Smith
Mark Lee Smith, was born on September 27, 2013, weighing 5 lbs. 13oz., to Stacey and Mindy Smith, at Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains, Missouri. He passed from the arms of family to the arms of the Lord after 16 treasured hours. We have been truly blessed by Mark, even though hiss life on earth was so short. We enjoyed loving him and getting to know him throughout the pregnancy with his rambunctious kicks, his love of being rubbed, his many hiccups and ultrasounds. It was a special gift to hold him in our arms for so long, heart his voice and even see smiles!
Through Mark we have experienced God’s great faithfulness, His love, comfort, peace and even joy. While we miss Mark more than words can express, we celebrate that he is now healed, enjoying the splendors of Heaven and the presence of God. His parents, brother and sister, Seth and Lydia Smith of West Plains, Missouri, along with his paternal grandparents, Danny and Alice Smith of West Plains, Missouri, maternal grandparents, Larry and Darla Kordsmeier of Fayetteville, Arkansas, great-grandmother, Jimmie Dell Ames of Fayetteville, Arkansas, aunt and uncle, Mike and Kerri Johnson and cousins, Benjamin and Jimmie Johnson of Greenland, Arkansas are looking forward to a heavenly reunion with him.
We would like to thank the many family, friends and even strangers who have supported us in prayer. God answered your prayers which enabled us to walk down this path with indescribable comfort, strength, and joy. We would like to thank Dr. Spurling, Dr. Roush and the Ozarks Family Care Team for lovingly walking with us through Mark’s journey. We thank the Ozarks Medical Center OB Department for showing us love and kindness during a difficult time. We thank Robertson-Drago Funeral Home for their kindness in offering their services and time.
Graveside service will be at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, October 3, 2013 in Babyland, Howell Memorial Park Cemetery under the direction of Robertson-Drago Funeral Home. Memorial contributions may be made to Berean Baptist Church Building Fund and left at Robertson-Drago Funeral Home.
Jan Dennis
October 1, 2013 @ 4:33 pm
Stacy and Mindy
We offer our sympathies on your loss. The pain, so unbearable now, will soften with time.
You are in our thoughts.
Randall and Jan Dennis
Aaron, Don, Lester, Ben, Mike, Danny, Daniel, David, Will, Gary and Susie