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  1. Teresa Weidman
    July 3, 2019 @ 9:55 am


    I am so sorry for your loss of this precious baby. The loss of my grandson, Jerry Weston, was very similar to this 9 years, 6 months and 6 days ago. You’ll never forget and no one has words to help the overwhelming pain in your heart. I clung to the belief and pray you will too, that your beautiful baby is in heaven and his family there is rocking him and singing to him and loving him for you. Branch will never know pain, hunger or sadness. He will only know love, joy and peace. Prayers and hugs to you and your family now and always.


  2. Hassel and Alice Vandergriff
    July 4, 2019 @ 7:15 am

    Dear Roseale and family; we are so sorry for the passing of your precious little one. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


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