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  1. Donna Ball
    July 30, 2013 @ 3:12 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss of Darlene, she was a very sweet woman, She is at rest and at peace now with the Lord, I pray for your comfort & courage in your time of loss.


  2. Angie Temple
    July 31, 2013 @ 7:22 am

    So sorry for your loss. I know how much she meant to you all.


  3. Floetta Schier
    July 31, 2013 @ 8:11 pm

    Dear Reta and family,
    Sorry to hear about the loss of Darlene. She was one of my favorite aunts and when we spent time together she always found a way to brighten my day. Doug and I will always remember her with loving thoughts.

    Floetta and Doug Schier


  4. Loy & Gene Simmons
    August 1, 2013 @ 10:26 pm

    Reta and family, our prayers, thoughts & love are with you all at this difficult time. No words can be said to help with your grief, but we all who care hope some have helped.

    To Darlene aka Granny…what a wonderful reunion you are having, with family and our Lord! You will be missed by so many! Sweet peace to you.


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