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  1. Pat Tyree
    June 24, 2019 @ 5:04 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss.
    Frankie was a very nice sister in law and a good friend.
    I will miss her .


  2. Hassel and Alice Vandergriff
    June 25, 2019 @ 7:58 am

    I am so sorry to hear of Mrs. Tyree’s passing. I was privileged to be a student in her math class at West Plains Junior High School. She was an excellent teacher and a wonderful person. She will be missed.


  3. Amber(Cozort)Redburn
    June 25, 2019 @ 8:49 am

    Tyree Family,
    My deepest sympathy to your family upon the loss of Mrs. Tyree. Your family will be in my daily prayers. Mrs. Tyree was my 7th Grade History Teacher at WPMS, and I really enjoyed History due to her wonderful instruction. She really enjoyed teaching and had a great relationship with her students not only in her classroom but out in the real world as well. She will be missed. May God bless all of you.
    In Christian Love,


  4. Rick Peterson
    June 25, 2019 @ 12:10 pm

    I too had the honor of being a student of Mrs Tyree back in the late 60s. She was caring and compassionate teacher and still remember her smile. My condolences to the family and I hope you find comfort in the fact that she touched so many lives during her teaching career. She will not be forgotten.


  5. Shelley Surface
    June 25, 2019 @ 3:52 pm

    I too had the honor of being a student of Mrs. Tyree. She also was a neighbor that lived down the road from me. She was a wonderful person, and a great teacher. She touched many lives. God Bless you all!!!


  6. Tim tyree
    June 25, 2019 @ 7:15 pm

    Aunt Frankie will be missed very much…..


  7. Jill (Cozort) Brooks
    June 26, 2019 @ 9:45 pm

    Sorry to hear of Mrs. Tyree’s passing. She was my 7th grade Social Studies teacher. My most vivid memory is sitting in her class on a Saturday morning because we had missed so many school days due to weather and illness. She tried diligently to make that Saturday bearable.


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